Complaints Procedure

We hope that you don't have issues with your new home but should you we want to assure you that we have a robust complaints procedure in place to work with you to find a solution. Please see our Complaints Procedure below:
1. You notice an issue with the Development company or Contractor
If something goes wrong, you should immediately contact the Managing Agent or Development Company right away so that they get the chance to put things right.
All the contact information you will require is available in your Home User Guide on the Spaciable Portal.
If you feel the issue has not been rectified or handled to the satisfactory standards, then proceed to the next step.
2. Log the complaint
If you have a simple complaint, it may be easily resolved with a phone call. If you feel it can’t be easily resolved, you should log a formal complaint.
The complaint can be logged via email to: or in writing to:
Customer Care
Medway Development Company
The Guard House
Dock Road
Medway Development Company has a formal complaints policy that is always strictly followed. You should start by explaining what the problem is and what you want them to do. You will then be advised of the next steps.
3. Supply evidence of your complaint
You should supply as much information in your initial complaint as possible. It is recommended that you supply evidence of your complaint, this should include the date and times you reported any faults, who you spoke to and details of what was said. If necessary, photo evidence should also be obtained.
4. Allow time for your complaint to be investigated
As set out in the complaints policy, your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days of logging your complaint.
5. Resolution
From the date your complaint has been acknowledged you will receive a response within 10 working days. During this time, you may be contacted to supply further information. You will then receive a resolution to your complaint.
6. Escalation
If you are not satisfied with the resolution to your complaint, you can ask us to escalate your complaint. At this stage, you must inform us why you are dissatisfied with your resolution and how you think the complaint should be resolved.
The complaint will then be reviewed by someone who has not been involved in the first stages of the complaint.
You will then be contacted to give your opportunity to explain your side of things.
The final written decision will be sent within 20 working days of the request to escalate. If we need longer, we will explain why and will take a further 10 working days.
7. Housing Ombudsman & Independent Resolution Scheme
If you feel that the resolution is still not satisfactory, then you are able to contact the New Homes Ombudsman Service* or contact your Home Warranty Provider.
*If you reservation was made after 04/03/2025, you are covered by the New Homes Quality Code and chose this path.
You can contact either using the details provided below:
New Homes Ombudsman Service:
- 03308084286 (Lines open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)
Checkmate – Warranty Provider:
Lockton Companies LLP
The St Botolph Building
138 Houndsditch
- 020 7933 2626